“Maria is an attentive listener who has a way of identifying key issues, and giving very practical advice and suggestions.”
Heather Vesey
Aspen, CO

my thinking & methodology

“My thoughts create my reality; my reality manifests my creation.”

It’s a daring move, to look mindfully at oneself, which takes more courage than simply changing our words and deeds. Observing ourselves through body, mind and spirit risks rocking the boat and losing the continuity of how we show up and navigate the world. Yet, it's that precise encounter with our self-concept, which gets us unstuck and moves us along to our aspirations.

We have all heard the saying “insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results.”  What happens when we have stepped out of the dominion of repetition –aligned our values with our actions, set our goals, done numerous things differently-- and still have not achieved the desired outcomes? What then?

The good news is all we have is NOW. I am available to co-create the reliable, compassionate and competent space necessary to get curious, shift perspectives, and move to the reality that serves my clients best.

I partner with my clients in the realm of discovery to provoke learning and creativity in the aspects which constitute us as human beings; these are Mind – including the interaction of intellect and emotion, Body – including the relevance of mindset to action, and Spirit – our pre dispositions to connecting with existence. Guiding this partnership are the ontological coaching tools I learned with Newfield Group’s Foundations Course, and the life cycle paradigm I developed through my years as an athlete and coach of individual and contact sports, a parent, and entrepreneur, loving and being in the world. These tools help to stretch our observations of our environments and ourselves. The resulting shift in perspective avails us to the variety of possibilities of being unconditionally present in the moment. In turn, this new level of “mindfulness” yields the discipline of choice necessary to achieve our goals and sustain transformation in our life of family, work and play.

Mindfulness Matters!

We can work from a place of love or a place of fear.  Moving from one space to the other is sometimes too far to go at once.  Perhaps the bridge between the two is a place of curiosity - What would it be like if we lived and worked in a culture of curiosity and love?

Start your process to a better place now! Contact Maria here, and receive a complimentary 30 minute coaching session.