With Mastery Comes the Magic

5 December 2017By maria storms armstrongAll Blogs, Mastery

“The master rarely shows himself but whenever she does she demonstrates a concentrated ease so different from the willful accumulation of experience we have come to expect” David Whyte The rewards of commitment to mastery are many: increased self-awareness, deepening roots in one’s craft, honing of skills, enjoyment of practice for its own sake, appreciation … Read More

Nature Smart

14 November 2017By maria storms armstrongAll Blogs, Back Pain, Physical Fitness

In spite of a couple of early season snowfalls, autumn lingers this year. Returning Indian Summer afternoons compel me to seek the coolness of the river, or the shade of a mountain trail. Yet, the quality of daylight is shifting. The shadows lengthen and the hours of daylight diminish inexorably. The residual summer heat blends … Read More

A Happy Back is a Happy Life!

6 November 2017By maria storms armstrongAll Blogs, Back Pain, Physical Fitness, Tom Boy Series 1 Comment

While attending last week end’s cycling camp in Moab hosted by Aspen Sports Performance. I resonated with Jeremy James,’ DC presentation on preventing back injuries and healing them without surgery. Jeremy is the Director of the Aspen Club Back Institute who specializes in recreating stance, posture and functional movement frequently robbed during modern demands of … Read More

Tom Boy; part 3

30 September 2017By maria storms armstrongAll Blogs, Mastery 1 Comment

As American society entered the second millennium we heralded more women role models in sports, politics and entertainment. The US Women’s Soccer team who beat China in the largest attended professional sporting event held at the Rose Bowl; Hillary Clinton’s ascent of the political ladder; Governor Ann Richards reign over Texas; Governor Judy Martz of Montana … Read More

Tom Boy; part 2

23 September 2017By maria storms armstrongAll Blogs, Mastery, Tom Boy Series

Fast forward thirty years and my daughter and I hiked the well tread trail over the wooded ridge behind the house, debriefing her first week of first grade. She was still wearing her school clothes, jeans and shirt, an all-purpose unisex sartorial version of what I had worn in primary school. Denim had come into … Read More

Tom Boy; part 1

14 September 2017By maria storms armstrongAll Blogs, Mastery, Tom Boy Series 2 Comments

Beneath the scabbed and grass stained knees, mosquito bitten skin and pig tails, I was a girl who grew up in a neighborhood of boys who jumped into pick-up games. We followed the American professional sports schedules, baseball in the summer, football in the fall, hockey in the winter and basketball in the spring.  No … Read More